OBU’s AeroGadgets division has released its new product FuelStik “Master”. This device is the only new idea in pre-flight fuel management in decades. The FuelStik “Master” gives consistent readings viewed outside the tank in both gallons and pounds. This new product fills the need for pilots to know how much fuel they have on board before take off.
Its design allows the pilot to insert it into the tank in the same way as with straw type, then observe the quantity in both pounds and gallons outside the tank at the top of the device. Because of its restricted openings at the bottom, the indicator remains steady even if the fuel is sloshing in the tank. Quantities of ½ gallon can be determined. With an “Aircraft Specific” scale installed the pilot does not need to calibrate it, however, a universal scale is always supplied with the device for calibrating any unusual aircrafts or custom applications.
Instructions on its use, calibrating, downloading available “Aircraft Specific” scales and much more are available at the website. With the use of this device, pilots can confidently take off without “tankering” more fuel than needed for the trip. This new product can save precious recourses, increase performance and save money. AeroGadgets was formed to invent and produce simple solutions to pilots needs. All of its products are exclusively designed and built in the USA. It currently has five more products nearing release.